
Staff 2024-05-16T14:36:16+00:00

We have a very dedicated, highly skilled staff, characterised by diversity. This makes for an interesting mix of backgrounds, skills and talents, all to benefit our children. We are lucky to have such wonderful people working in our school!

Meet our Staff

Rob Pratt
Rob Pratt
Principal – Tumuaki
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Rachael Strong
Rachael Strong
Deputy Principal / Yr 7-8 Kaiako
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Vanessa Osborne
Vanessa Osborne
Kea Kaiako – Yr 2,3, 4 Teacher
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Heidi Slavin
Heidi Slavin
Kererū Kaiako – New Entrant – Yr 1 Teacher
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Jacqui Gilbertson
Jacqui Gilbertson
Director of First Impressions
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Laura Thornhill
Teacher Aide


Principal: Rob Pratt
Deputy Principal / Kāhu Yr 6-8 Teacher: Rachael Strong
Kea Yr 3-5 Teacher: Vanessa Osborne
Kererū  New Entrant – Yr 2 Teacher: Heidi Slavin/Bronwyn Sowman
Te Angiangi Kahui Ako Across School Teacher: Heidi Slavin
Teacher Aide: Laura Thornhill
Director of First Impressions: Jacqui Gilbertson
 Groundsperson: Viv Hollings
Cleaner: Mary Bousfield

Board of Trustees

Board Chairperson: Caroline (Pixie) Seligman
 Parents Representatives: Angela (AK) Hansen

Ben Harker

Hayley Wakefield

Staff Representative:


Vanessa Osborne

Rob Pratt